Monday, October 25, 2010

October 25, 2010

  • Monday morning...  well, it was Monday morning when I first started this.  I guess it is Monday afternoon now.  Rainy days and Mondays always get me down...

  • For those of you following me... the roof is finally under shingle.  I just have some drip edge and flashing to put up.  With the weather forecast for this week I guess I will find out how good of a job I did... 

  • My son turns seven this week.  It seems like just yesterday...   We had a b-day party for him on Saturday.  Only four others turned up, but they were some of his closest friends, which made him happy.  We had more observers (tweens) watching from the back alley and on the hill than we did people at the party.  Of course, the kids were all in costume, so I guess that made it worthwhile to watch.  We had a scavenger hunt, bobbing for apples, three-leg race...  all the oldies but goodies, with hot cider, pizza and cake.  Leftovers, anyone?

  • The marking period is drawing to a close.  I have been posting grades almost every week, with no response from students or parents.  Until now.  I received ten emails this morning (guess why this blog did not get up earlier) asking why their kids have zeros for projects - many of which were due back in September!  Before progress reports (that showed the same grades missing)!  And they want me to let them make up the work.  And we wonder why the education system in America is low on the worldwide totem pole...

  • I showed a couple of students the Wordle site from last class.  they are having a blast with it.  One of them (a redhead) even made up a list of words and phrases that she feels describe redheads, then printed a dozen posters on red paper and posted them outside my room.  I had six or eight redhead students approach me this morning and ask me for copies...

  • I hope that all of you have a good week.  Have fun with grades... mine are due Friday.

  • Quote for the day:
    • The swiftness of time is infinite, as is still more evident when we look back on the past.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday to your son! I love the experience you had with wordle! I bet that girl who made it has an amazing outgoing personality.
