Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October 13, 2010

Greetings and salutations...

  • I guess that we should all thank Dwight for the night off.
      • Thank You Dwight!!!

  • For those of you who follow the news - Jersey Shore is being accused of some interesting things regarding cyber-bullying.  I am not involved, but I know the student involved, and he does not deserve what was done to him - or what his parents are doing to him by making this as public as they have. 
    • That is only my opinion, and not necessarily policy!

  • Still working on different pages for my wiki - I use technology a lot, but this is new to me...

  • Thought for the day:
    • Life is never simple.  It contains infinite diversity in infinite combinations...  and that is what makes us individuals.

1 comment:

  1. I did enjoy the evening off even if I spent it planning lessons for the next week. However, I have a tendency to worry so I have found myself wondering if everything is OK with Dwight.
