Friday, October 15, 2010

October 15, 2010


  • Tonight is the JSAHS homecoming game.  Of course it is somewhat hard to get excited when the home team players are taking bets as to how much they will lose by...

  • With the homecoming festivities comes a two hour pep rally - instead of class time.

  • My luck seems to be holding with the weather - rain during the week and decent on the weekend.  Hopefully I can get the felt and shingles on my roof tomorrow, then close in the last wall on Sunday...

  • Keep your eyes open at home for computer viruses.  My desktop got hit last week with a "antivirus virus" - it is one that looks like a commercial for AV software, but won't let you stop it from loading, and you suppossedly have to pay to get it out.  It is also throwing some unfavorable site links onto my desktop to "encourage" me to purchase the protection.  It reminds me of a gang walking into a store, starting to break things, then offering protection...for a price.
And on that last note, here is the thought for the day:

Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists, lawyers or politicians agreeing on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had...


  1. Good luck getting the roof done!

    And I like the thought for the day!

  2. It saddens me greatly that students would take bets on how much they will lose by! Regardless of how often their team may lose it is still their team. I am a Red Sox fan so I understand the pain of routing for a frequently losing team. However, I consider Red Sox fans the most loyal baseball fans ever and I am proud of my team. Besides, supporting a frequently winning team is too easy. (How do you like that you Yankee Fans?) :-) Actually, on that note... I have been to Fenway many, many, many time (was even there when Yaz hit 3000!) and have been proud of how supportive the fans are toward their team. So, when I went to Yankee stadium once (and that was enough) I couldn't believe how they boo'ed and harassed their team. Seriously? Who does that? Sorry, these are just some of the ramblings in my head.
