Saturday, November 27, 2010

November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
pilgrim kids

  • I just realized that, not being at school and all last week, that I was forgetting something... my blog!  It has been kind of nice, not having to sit in front of a computer for a few days.  I have not even turned mine on in the past week.  I won't comment as to the number of emails tha I currently have to respond to, but...
  • Civil Rights - for no one?  We had to sit through an inservice on Wednesday morning regarding civil rights.  What students are allowed to do, what they are not, what the schools can do, that sort of thing.  I guess if you are a lawyer, it might make sense, but the person they brought in was from PDE legal, and it was like she was speaking in a foreign language.  Referring to this case or that, what the outcomes were, but never really explaining what is permissable and what is not.  Basically, the schools have no right to restrict students in any way shape or form, yet we can be sued by other parents or students if we do not stop things like cyber bullying...  makes sense, no?  I don't have the right to stop a student from calling another a name, but the other student's parent can press charges for me not stopping it.  This is worse than No Child Left Behind - we have to get the students to pass, but we can't make them do the work.   Someone just shoot me and get it over with...
  • Anyway, enough of my venting - I am sure that we will get the chance to vent some more in class this week.
  • Hope that everyone has a happy thanksgiving, and good luck to those of you that hunt.

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