Wednesday, November 3, 2010

November 03, 2010

  • Not much to report at this time.  The marking period is over, and a new one is beginning.  Students are still trying to turn in work for the last 9 weeks.  It is supposed to snow this weekend.  The world is turning...

  • I received a politically humorous email on Monday that is also mathematically challenging...  I find it more interesting for the math than the politics, so please do not be offended by my posting this...

    • Question:  What is your favorite movie?  There is a list of movies, numbered 1-18 liinked as an answer.  Complete the following equation to determine your favorite movie.
        1. Pick a number from 1 to 9
        2. Multiply that number by 3
        3. Add three to that number
        4. Multiply that number by 3
        5. Add the two digits that make up that number to determine your favorite movie.

    •  How about this - thy that equation with any number between 1 and 9... what do you get?

  • For those of you in Elementary Ed, I know that what I teach is a little out of the league of most elementary students, but I found an interesting website that you might want to try out if you want to do a brief lesson on technology.  It has to do with simple machines (levers, pullies, screws, wheels...)  It is a little too low level for most of my students, but it could be fun for yours...

Thought for the day:
  • A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and the hours are lost.

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