Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 16, 2010

  • Happy Birthday to Me!  Not that I want to acknowledge that it is that day, or any other aspect of it...

  • For those of you following this, I finally got my house closed in this weekend.  It is not finished, by any means, but I don't have tarps covering the sides anymore.  Now I just have to focus on putting house wrap on the outside and insulating the inside.  That plus putting some boards down to make a floor for storage.  Maybe I will even have the time this weekend to fix my desktop computer so that I can do some work at home again...

  • One of my new classes this year that I am developing is a robotics class.  Not the type where there is simply an arm on the table and the kids program, but where they construct actual mobile units.  I have been having some troubles with this.  No plan ever last past the first day, but we are finally to the stage where the students will be competing against one another with a standard design.  This should take place on Thursday / Friday.  What a final before Thanksgiving!  I will try to shoot some video and still shots and send them out...

  • I mentioned above that the robots are a final project before Thanksgiving.  Here at JS the students will not be back for more than a week after this Friday!  Thats right, no school for 10 days for them.  Teachers have to put in three full days (Monday / Tuesday for parent-teacher conferences and Wednesday is inservice).  I still can't say that I agree with this schedule, but it will be nice to actually have some time to get some maintenance done while on the clock.  Of course the following Monday is our state holiday...

Thought for the day...
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter

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